Joining Family in Australia - Family Migration

Family Migration
Australia provides several visa options for individuals wishing to join their family members who are already residing in Australia. These visas facilitate family reunification by allowing close relatives to live and potentially work in Australia. Below is an overview of some visa options currently available.
Partner Visa (Subclasses 820/309 and 801/100)
The Partner visa allows the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen, to live in Australia. The visa is split into two stages: the temporary Partner visa (Subclass 820 or 309) and the permanent Partner visa (Subclass 801 or 100). Generally, applicants will first receive the temporary visa and then after meeting certain requirements, they may be granted the permanent visa. Eligibility requires proof of a genuine and continuing relationship.
Parent Visa (Subclasses 870, 103 and 143)
Parent visas are for parents of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens. This allows them to live in Australia either temporarily or permanently depending on the subclass applied for. The Contributory Parent visa (Subclass 143) offers a faster processing time but is more costly. Parent visas have specific requirements, including meeting health and character standards and demonstrating the relationship with the Australian-based child.
Child Visa (Subclass 101)
The Child visa (Subclass 101) is designed for children who are outside Australia and wish to join their parents who are Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens. The child must be under 18 years of age or a full-time student aged 18 to 25 or over 25 with a disability, and must not be married or in a de facto relationship.
To navigate the complexities of the application process and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations, consider booking a consultation with one of our experienced Registered Migration Agents who work with complex matters every day.
Disclaimer: The information provided herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute immigration advice. For more detailed and case-specific information or advice, please get in touch with SCA Connect.