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Changes to Labour Market Testing


labour market testing

Effective from December 11, 2023, the Government has abolished the need for advertising on Workforce Australia to fulfil Labour Market Testing Requirements.

For Subclass 482 and 494 Nominations requiring Labour Market Testing, the nominated position must be advertised on a minimum of two advertisements on any of the following platforms: 

  1. A recruitment website with national reach in Australia;

  2. Print media with national reach in Australia;

  3. Radio with national reach in Australia;

  4. If the approved sponsor is an accredited sponsor—the approved sponsor’s website. 

Advertising must take place within the 4 months preceding the lodgement of the nomination. The advertisements must be visible for a continuous 28-day period on each platform and non-consecutive periods are not acceptable.

The Government has clarified that overlapping advertisements on the same platform will be considered acceptable. The second advert must commence on at least the last day of the first advert to fulfil the continuous 28-day advertising requirement.

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute immigration advice. For more detailed and case-specific information or advice, please get in touch with SCA Connect.

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