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  • Jenny Murphy MARN 0852535

Age Eligibility for 485 Visa to Change from July 2024: Home Affairs Confirms Limits

485 visa

The Department of Home Affairs have confirmed that they will be maintaining the maximum eligibility of 50 years of age, for students that have completed a Masters by Research and/or Doctoral Degree (PhD) when applying for the Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa in the Post-Higher Education Work Stream (formally the ‘Post-Study Work stream) after 1 July 2024.

Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holders will continue to be eligible provided they are under 50 years of age.

The government's proposed changes effective July 1 include reducing the maximum eligible age for the 485 visa to 35 years and under at the time of application for all other applicants submitting applications from July 1, 2024 onwards.

To review your visa options and understand your eligibility, book a consultation with one of our experienced Registered Migration Agents today.

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute immigration advice. For more detailed and case-specific information or advice, please get in touch with SCA Connect.

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