Understanding Australian visa application charges

There is no doubt that Australia has one of the most complex visa frameworks in the world. It is therefore no surprise that understanding a visa application charge can be somewhat of a challenge.
Below is a breakdown of charges one can expect to incur whilst in the process of applying for an Australian visa.
Base Application Charge:
Every visa application has a base application charge, but in some cases, this is nil. For example, a second stage partner visa application. Another example is an application where there is more than one applicant, known as combined application, then the base application charge will only be paid by the main applicant.
Additional Applicant Charge:
The additional applicant charge must be paid for each additional visa applicant when there is more than one visa applicant in a combined visa application. For some visas, the additional application charge might be nil.
The amount of the additional applicant charge depends on the visa type, the age of the applicant and whether the applicant is in or outside Australia at the time of lodgement.
Not all visas allow additional applicants to be included in or added to the visa application.
The additional applicant charge is only for people who are applying for the visa with you, or want to be added to your lodged, but not yet decided, visa application (if permitted).
It is worthwhile noting that some visa applications ask you to list everyone in your family unit, even if they are not travelling with you. You do not have to pay the additional applicant charge for non-migrating family members.
Subsequent Temporary Application Charge:
The subsequent temporary application charge applies to certain temporary visas. Generally, this charge is payable by each person in your application and is based on their individual visa history. The subsequent temporary application charge, if applicable, is payable in addition to any other visa charges that apply to your visa application at the time of lodgement.
This charge is not paid for the following visa applications:
bridging, criminal justice or enforcement or
permanent application, for example, General Skilled Migration
The subsequent temporary application charge will not be charged for applications where at least one of the following applies:
the base application charge for your application is nil
the visa you apply for does not attract a subsequent temporary application charge
you were outside Australia when lodging your first visa application to Australia
you are outside Australian while making your substantive temporary visa application
It is paramount to ensure that correct application fee is paid at the time of lodgement as the application will otherwise be deemed invalid. The good news is that online lodgement platform will tally the correct application fee therefore online lodgement is encouraged whenever possible.
If you have any questions relating to Australian visas, get in touch with one of our consultants today.
Disclaimer: The information provided herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute immigration advice. For more detailed and case specific information or advice, please contact SCA Connect.