The DIBP boosts digitisation of the Visa System

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) is heading towards enhancing and reforming its current visa and citizenship services. It is in the process of consulting with channel partners and IT players to receive feedback and assess ways in designing the new visa processing platform and a sustainable service delivery model. The DIBP aims to utilise cutting edge technologies to manage risks, improve integrity and continue its commitment to client service excellence.
This vision has been the result of rapid global mobilisation, which has led to a significant inflation in visa applications and associated risk factors. The DIBP is seeking to upgrade market-provided and automated services of its transactional business, thereby allowing internal staff to focus on the more complex elements of the process. In order to avoid cost blows-outs and manage the increasing demand globally, the government is seeking involvement of private organisations to run major parts of the visa system. Artificial Intelligence and robotics companies are also being consulted to contribute to the automation project and could result in the outsourcing of work to undertake process elements such as detecting fraud, assessing health and character, analysing genuineness of applications and improving cybersecurity.
The innovative overhaul is expected to better facilitate migrants and visitors through the visa process, whilst transforming the overall client experience. The project will create opportunities for local industry players and have significant financial and non-financial benefits for the Australian public, government and the market.