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Changes to 187 Visa in WA


Skilled Migration Western Australia announced in 14 March 2017 that new applications to certify positions for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) have been suspended for Perth Region.

The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS), more commonly known as the subclass 187 visa, is a permanent visa that allows employers in regional Australia to nominate skilled migrants to fill a full time genuine vacancy. There are two streams available under the RSMS, the Temporary Resident Transition Stream and the Direct Entry Stream.

Employers can nominate skilled workers under the Temporary Resident Transition Stream if the applicant has worked in the same nominated position with them (same sponsor), as the primary visa holder of a 457 Temporary Work (Skilled) visa, for at least two years.

Under the Direct Entry Stream, employers can directly nominate skilled workers onshore or offshore in an ANZSCO skill level 1, 2, or 3 occupation. The Regional Certifying Body (RCB) must be consulted. Given Western Australia has suspended new applications for the Perth Region, this has had a significant impact on applicants in the Perth region who were ready to commence the process of an RSMS application.

For the purpose of an RSMS application, the whole of Western Australia is considered a regional area. While RCB certification applications remain suspended in the Perth region, applications are being accepted for the following regions in Western Australia:

- Gascoyne - Great Southern - Kimberley - Mid-West - Peel - Pilbara - South West - Wheatbelt

For further information, please contact one of our Registered Migration Agents.

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