Lodging a valid Visa Application

Lodging an invalid visa application may impact your immigration status and options. To make a valid application, it is crucial to meet eligibility criteria to enable a decision ready application for timely approval.
Understand the legal requirements that must be met at time of application, which include but are not limited to:
Applying for a specified visa class
Using an approved form
Paying the correct fee and charges
Lodging while you are at the right location (onshore or offshore) specific to the applied visa.
Absence of any legislative constraints due to your immigration history that may ‘bar’ you to apply for certain visas
Absence of ‘no further stay’ condition on your current or last visa that may prevent you extend your stay or apply for a visa in Australia
Extreme caution must be exercised at lodgement. While you may have held a valid visa at time of application, by the time you are advised by DIBP that your application is invalid your visa may have expired, leaving you on a temporary bridging visa with limited onshore visa options.
However, you may still be able to apply validly under specific circumstances where such legal restrictions may be waived.
Seeking expert advice from a professional is the key to managing your application successfully from the start. Speak to one of our Registered Migration Agents today at Southern Cross Alliance.